microsoft corporation
- 网络微软公司

The writer is associate general counsel for intellectual property at Microsoft Corporation
Bill Gates ( 1955 & ), Chairman of Microsoft Corporation .
This paper investigates the control reuse technology of Microsoft corporation .
The dynamic data exchange protocol is the integrated communication protocol designed by the Microsoft corporation .
NET 2003 is just one of such techniques , which was released by Microsoft Corporation .
Net platform of Microsoft Corporation .
Bill Gates founded Microsoft Corporation while he was in his teens .
The application of bluetooth communication technology in embedded system has a huge vision , Microsoft Corporation 's Windows CE .
American Bill Gates is known around the world as founder and former chairman of Microsoft Corporation .
WDM ( Win32 Driver Model ) is the new development model of device driver , put forward by Microsoft Corporation .
And my answer would be that I hope you would because those are the people who founded the Microsoft Corporation .
It is very convenient for EXCEL , software of Microsoft Corporation , to solve the problem of one variable linear regression .
Microsoft Corporation provides a special kit VFW ( Video for Windows ) in video capture development for software developer .
At the PC-end , USB device driver is designed according to WDM driver conventions recommended by Microsoft Corporation .
Excel is an electronic form software developed by Microsoft Corporation , which has a powerful function about calculating , analyzing , processing data and plotting curve .
Gates ( at age 19 ) and Allen left Harvard and founded Microsoft Corporation in Albuquerque to produce and market their operating system .
NET is the next generation computing platform founded by Microsoft Corporation , consist of developer tools , Web services , servers , smart clients , and .
Gates is the chairman and chief software architect of Microsoft Corporation , the worldwide leader in software , services and Internet technologies for personal and business computing .
Considering that the usage circumstance of WINDOWS operation system of Microsoft Corporation is familiar to most designers , this software system is of the same style as the Windows .
NET + database under environment of Windows which the Microsoft Corporation proposes . It provides the effective methods for fast developing Web management system which is dynamic , interactive and highly effective .
Students from Arizona State University won top honors last week at the Imagine Cup finals in the United States . Microsoft Corporation organizes the yearly competition .
This paper firstly introduces the basic principle of these two single models , and realizes them to fit and forecast the stock price of Petro China and Microsoft Corporation by MATLAB simulation .
This distributed system has been realized based on the DCOM specification , which has been brought forward by Microsoft Corporation , and has been used for supporting communication among the objects located on different computers .
Furthermore , the RDP ( Remote Desktop Protocol ) explored by the Microsoft corporation is introduced , which is based on NC environment , but unopened source as a business secret .
IIHT , which also launched a one-of-its-kind certification programme , IIHT Certified Cloud Expert , and Microsoft Corporation have also announced a strategic tie-up .
According to the using versatility , the frequency , visiting speed of database as well as complex degree of the simulation object , Microsoft Corporation 's Access database has been selected for the backstage database .
Windows Server Update Services ( for short : WSUS ) is one kind which Microsoft Corporation provides free is soft . It has provided the distribution which the Windows partial operating system key renews .
Visual FoxPro as the renewed edition of Microsoft Corporation after Fox inducts the technology of visualization programming that offers numerous object-oriented programming tools as a practical soft ware for the small scale database .
ODBC ( Object Database Connection ) was developed by Microsoft Corporation in 1993 . It is object database interface standard and gives an united solving plan to be visited and operated by different databases conductions .
Using general decision support objects ( DSO ) of Microsoft Corporation a data mining model with the form of decision tree is designed and a daily load forecasting system is implemented according to the weather-load database of regional power network .